EDET 703 - David Barker

Graphics 1 Assignment


The goal for this assignment is to manipulate layers in Photoshop to better understand how layers can be used.


The first image contains my first name David Barker written out on a blue background

The second image contains my last name David Barker written out on a blue background

The third image contains just my first name with a color overlay applied to it. David with a color overlay applied

The fourth image contains just my first name with a stroke layer effect applied to it. David with a stroke layer effect applied

The fifth image contains just my last name with a drop shadow applied to it. Barker with a drop shadow applied

The sixth image contains just my last name with a pattern overlay applied to it. Barker with a pattern overlay applied

This image contains a burnt out car left on the street after the Ukrainian revolution. A burnt out car on Independence Square

This image contains the burnt out car with a distort filter applied. The car with a distort filter applied

This image contains the burnt out car with a find edges filter applied. The car with a find edges filter applied