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HTML Tutorial Supplemental links

If you need additional reference material, tutorials, and code sandboxes you have come to the right place. Please click through our curated list of links to find more information and continue your journey to be a master web coder.

Reference Material

These sites provide some great reference material as you are creating your pages. All three provide the same basic information but from three different perspectives. Sitepoint is aimed at general users, Mozilla is for developers, and W3C is the source material (but can be dense and hard to read).

HTML Tutorials

There are a lot of great HTML tutorials on the internet. Here are a few. It is important to check dates on the sites to make sure information is up to date since web technology changes at a dizzying pace. These three sites provide some great information and if you look at all three when you are trying to learn a new skill you can be sure that have gotten the best information. Codecademy is also an interactive course.


These site allow you to write code and test it very quickly. They are also good for finding code snippets to help you while building pages. Codepen is the most full featured (and complicated) of the three sites. JSFiddle is a little less complicated and allows you to edit JS as well as HTML and CSS. CSSDesk is very simple but also has fewer options.