on a not-so-good day: advice to remember
I had a clinical supervisor in graduate school who said there were three things we needed to remember being counselors and therapists:
Be grateful.
Be humble. (Admit you don’t know everything.)
At the end of the day, don’t carry other people’s baggage.
A choral director I had in college said repeatedly, in a gruff voice: Adjust, Adapt, Accept.
My mom says on a daily basis to her students:
Life’s tough; wear a helmet.
So today wasn’t a great day for me, but I’m being grateful and humble; I’m carrying my baggage not everyone else’s… I’m adjusting, adapting, and accepting… And I’ve got my Peace Corps approved helmet firmly planted on my head.
1 Comment
erin o'halloran
September 1, 2009Well, with your Peace Corps approved Helmet – I’m thinking you can handle anything! =) Hope tomorrow is a better day. Just keep telling yourself “the toughest job I’ll ever love”. Feel the love!!!