Yo-Yo Ha

Posted by on Apr 15, 2009 in david | No Comments

velocitypost1So I have a new obsession…yo-yos…or as the pretentious call them yos. I see a lot of potential for bad slang puns. Look at this yo, yo. I have flirted with yo-yos in the past and have owned a number of Duncan Butterflies in the past but I have never really done the research to determine if I wanted to buy a yo-yo that costs more than a Big Mac. Well I think that time has come. I am hoping to receive a YoYoFactory Velocity for my birthday (hint hint Mom), I figure it will be an easily portable hobby for the Peace Corps. Also if I can learn a few tricks without giving myself a concussion I might be able to entertain my students a bit. Veronica thinks I am being a bit silly and I guess that I am but it all seems like so much fun.


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