- The ginger ale pictured below tasted like butt. Fortunately, our darling friend Jenny has a sister who makes a ginger ale syrup that is very tasty and easy to make and hits the spot. Mixed with some mineral water, it’s fizzy goodness in a cup. Ginger ale crisis averted.
- I have been at work so much (although not very busy) that I haven’t had the time to pickle or can. I’m bummed about this because come winter, the only produce in the piata will be root vegetables. And I will long for and whine about tomatoes and cucumbers and peaches. And then I’ll want fresh salsa or pesto. And alas, there will just be potatoes and turnips. I may make a last ditch effort over the evenings next week. I’m just not looking forward to trying this canning stuff out in our teeny tiny kitchen.
- Chai tastes like Christmas in your mouth. And seeing as the weather is cooling down, I’m beginning to long for chai tea. At home, David made me chai every morning for my commute to work. We used black tea (from Marianne’s mom’s backyard in Kenya), seasonings, and David’s fancy schmancy single serve coffee maker. But of course, here, we have none of that. BUT, we found the fun recipe below for a chai syrup that you mix with milk. So once I get the ingredients (some of the spices may have to come from care packages – hint, hint, nudge, nudge), I’m going to give it a whirl.