on my mind: Jim Wallis, Hello Dolly. . .

Posted by on Jan 29, 2010 in music, on my mind, veronica | No Comments

I was watching Jon Stewart the other day and there was a guest appearance by Rev Jim Wallis who has a new book out about values in America.  At one point in the interview he talked about the current ideal that “greed is good” rather than the older adage of “enough is enough.”  He of course mentioned Haiti and bail-out monies and bonuses.  His message was of social justice and spreading grace (in whatever form) around.

What Rev Wallis said about money and grace and greed reminded me of a musical. I know, some of you aren’t surprised. In Hello Dolly, Dolly is a widow and a matchmaker and she has her eyes set on a match for herself — Horace Vandergelder, a client and wealthy businessman. After her fantastic “So Long Dearie” number, Dolly, in rationalizing her marriage plans, says something that has stuck with me:

“Money, pardon the expression, is like manure. It’s not worth a thing unless it’s spread around, encouraging young things to grow.”

I wouldn’t say I’m a socialist with the ideal of a completely even distribution of wealth. But I do think that those in the “have” category should use their money like manure, spreading and sharing what’s been graced upon them with those who are in need.

And I would humbly submit that even for those of us who only have our big toes in the “have” category from a financial standpoint, have time and talent to offer.  And (in my stream of consciousness way) that’s part of the reason I’m a Peace Corps Volunteer.   I don’t have a lot of money to spread like manure, but my time and talent can be manure and encourage young things to grow.

And man, am I ever spreading that shit around. (Pardon my French)

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