on the road: vacation stats
So, we are back in Romania and recuperating from vacation with Mary Ann. On Sunday we’ll make the long trek back across Romania to our little town and get back into the swing of things. While I’m not ready for vacation to be over with, I must admit it’s nice to be in a country where I understand some of the language and what’s going on. As there are TONS of pictures to go through and lots to say about our trip, I figured I’d share some stats that David and I figured out while we were waiting for trains.
Number of days on the road: 13 outside Romania +5 in Romania
Number of countries crossed: 6 (Romania, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia)
Number of trains we rode on: 12
Number of hours spent on trains: 31 (in Romania) and 28.5 (outside Romania)
Number of night trains: 2
Number of rides with Hungarian strangers: 1
Number of kilometers traveled: 4130 (or 2566 miles)
Number of miles walked: 110miles (or 177km)
Number of churches/synagogues visited: 18
Number of museums visited: 4
Number of opera houses seen: 2
Number of palaces and castles visited: 6
Number of markets visited: 4
Number of zoos visited: 2
Number of side trips taken: 2 (Kutna Hora & Auschwitz)
Number of cities where we used public transport: 4
Number of times we ate gelato: 8
Number of times we got lost: 13+ (i.e. daily)
Number of priests/nuns spotted: 30 (mostly in Poland)
Highest temperature: 39C/100F (in Budapest)
Lowest temperature: 13C/55F (in Krakow)
More to come, but that will have to wait until we’re back at our home base!
1 Comment
dottie andreassen
July 31, 2010Hooray for blogging! I check several times a day to see if you have added anything new — love the stats!
Love, MOM