in the community: animal update — the bad news
We came back from Istanbul to find a dozen ruffian boys on our bloc steps, talking (and laughing) about the latest happening. Dookie (or Magduta, as I call her) was killed. We don’t know the details as each boy had a different story, but Magduta’s gone to the great countryside in the sky with the puppies she was carrying. We’ve missed her terribly this week. Usually, as David and I round the corner to come to our bloc mudlot, we whistle and Magduta comes a-running with her tail wagging. We’ve both found ourselves whistling for her out of habit, just to remember that she’s not around.
Awhile ago, I had heard that an American NGO (Romania America Rescue) was helping Romanian towns with Spay/Neuter Days (free sterilization clinics) and I contacted the director and then their Romanian vet to find out that they are coming to Targu Neamt. The vet asked if I knew Rodica and while I don’t know her, I kinda thought I knew who she was in town (a pharmacy owner who I observed feeding a lot of the dogs nearby).
My anger about Magduta’s death led me to take a chance; yesterday, I stopped by that pharmacy. Well, her name isn’t Rodica, it’s Adriana and she’s super excited to get to know me. And yes, she knew about Magduta (she called Animal Protection in town to investigate what happened) and she knew about the NGO that wants to head to Targu Neamt. It was great to talk to a Romanian who cared about animals, even the ones that dig through our trash. I hope in my last few months in town that I can help out with seeing the Spay/Neuter Day in Targu Neamt realized. In honor of my pal, Magduta.
dottie andreassen
January 14, 2011Hi, V, I am sooooo sorry about Magduta — I can imagine how badly you and David feel about her death. Hopefully, some good will come as a result of it for other love-worthy dogs and cats in your area. I love you, MOM
January 14, 2011Very very sorry about great soul Magduta 🙁