photo: acrobatics on a clothesline
Zami likes to “help” with laundry by jumping up on the clothesline. She’s a creeper. More pictures of our romanca, Zamfira.
in the community: Emi & Mada
I mentioned awhile ago that David and I are tutoring a brother and a sister (Emi & Mada). This is Emanuel (Emi): And this is Madalina (Mada): Don’t they look studious? They are fabulous and so is their family. Their father, Marius, is an Orthodox priest in a neighboring village. Their mom, Claudia, is a dental hygienist (Her […]
photo: man with cow
taken on our way to church this morning. 24 October 2010 color image here.
on the road: my quest for the horned violin
Back in my reading-everything-about-Romania phase, I found an article about the horned violin played by Roma musicians. The article mentioned a fall targ (or market) that happens once a year near Cluj where the Roma (primarily Hungarian Roma) come together to sell their wares. While last year I was just getting used to Romania in […]
on the job: radu makes a fular
This is Radu. He’s one of my beneficiaries. Radu loves weaving and making rag rugs, really anything that uses a gherghef (a loom). He talks and talks and talks all about his dreams of having really big gherghefs and really little gherghefs for any project he can think of. There’s even a dream of a […]
news from home: my momma
Mom and me before my wedding (29 December 2007) Today I’d like to write a bit about Dorothy Andreassen because she rocks, because she’s my mom and because it’s her birthday. September 30th is the day that God graced the world with my mom. That might come across as a pretentious sort of way to […]
on the job: what’s been on my plate lately
the main course: Foundation for Local Development Well, post-vacation, I was rather aimless workwise. And that’s been topped off by an extended funk of a mood. But now that we’re really into September, life is picking up the pace whether I like it or not. Remember the roses of Fall, 2009? Well there was a […]
on the road: prague & kutna hora
Pictures from Prague are uploading as I type! They can be found here!
on my mind: affordability of nutritious foods
Monday is Piata Day or Market Day for our little family. After work on Monday, I head over to the bustling piata, chat up my favorite old piata guy and get a load of fresh local seasonal fruits and veggies for the week. It’s one of my favorite things about Romania. This week, I took […]
in the news: our journalist and writer friends
Facebook is great for a lot of things. I love keeping up with friends from various parts of my life and what they are doing, personally and professionally. Here are a few friends making headlines of their own. Former college pal, dear friend and fellow Spoleto-junkie, Mark Canavera has written on LGBT rights on the […]