Instagram: Baby ? dogs basket. Puppy by momma, onesie by me, Barker Bottom Balm by Marcia. #handmade
Instagram: Baby ? cats basket awaits the fantastic Barker Bottom Balm to be complete! Cat made by my momma, onesie by me, balm by Marcia! #handmade
Instagram: Toddler Winter Gear. Made by my momma for the Silent Auction. (She's been a busy bee.)
Instagram: Thanks Fresh Market of Aiken for donating a gift card to our Eco-Shopper Basket!
Instagram: "Lap"ghan (a smallish afghan) made by my momma for the St. Gerard Fall Festival Silent Auction! #handmade
Instagram: Hostess Basket for the St. Gerard Fall Festival Silent Auction.
Instagram: Finishing up tea towels for the St Gerard Fall Festival Silent Auction on 29 October
Instagram: 5 months old and a giggly chickadee
Instagram: Eating a cream puff from the Shimizus.
Instagram: Reading together. #gruffalo