Instagram: Am I a gardener yet? #garden2016
Instagram: Impatient toddler gardener.
Instagram: Eating lunch, watching the wind.
Instagram: Watering the garden.
Instagram: Beautiful nursery mix from #brickofarms #vegetablegarden2016
Instagram: Manly man using the sledge hammer. We like you dear pond but you are a toddler #deathtrap, so you must go.
Instagram: Might be a fan of thin mints. #girlscoutcookies
Instagram: Super excited about my tomato seeds. Hopefully these will be like the luscious heart-shaped tomatoes I ate in Romania.
Instagram: Extra long nap for e = time to put weed barrier down in raised bed and watch the chickens play in the gorgeous weather.
Instagram: Expressively scribble scrabbling on a rainy day. I feel like he's ready for classes at Lesley with his talking to his artwork.