Instagram: Such a happy girl. Giggly over carrots and pears. This may be on repeat for the next 24 hours.
Instagram: Anka and Ayako hanging out while Hikaru and I do science fair.
Instagram: A walk in the woods with my favorite people.
Instagram: Pondering the weekend after pancakes.
Instagram: Yum waffle and strawberries. #blw
Instagram: Pulling out oldies but goodies for a first piano lesson. Seriously, my mom kept ALL my piano music.
Instagram: Someone snagged dad's pizza crust. #blw
Instagram: And an entry table made with cast iron legs I found at an architectural salvage place in Gilbert, SC.
Instagram: And the bench!
Instagram: My dining room table… I am so so so excited and happy and sentimental about feeding my family and friends at a table made for us by my Uncle Joe.