Instagram: Still feeling like crud; rainy day toys are out so I can sit on the couch.
Instagram: I feel like death warmed over and these guys are stuck inside with oodles of energy. #thestruggleisrealtoday
Instagram: Somebody waits for you; Kiss her once for me. #hollyjollychristmas #stillchristmasing
Instagram: Gnawing on bacon teether during Mass. #notadogtoy
Instagram: What else is new… he found a nutcracker.
Instagram: Awesome catching up with Anne, Micah, and Lucas today. #friendswhoarefamily
Instagram: Christmas-ed out at Uncle Steve's. #herbertchristmas2016
Instagram: Erik makes big the ladies laugh. #herbertchristmas2016
Instagram: Leanna and the little kid cousins! #herbertchristmas2016
Instagram: Another set of wheels for the kiddos.