on my mind: freedom
Preamble to the ramble… First off, in no way do my opinions and what I write here reflect the stance of the US government or the Peace Corps. These are mine, and mine alone. I won’t even say that my dear husband, David, with whom I share this blog, completely agrees with everything I write. […]
on my mind: beating the sunday blahs
Every Sunday I get the blahs. It’s like clockwork — as the sun starts its descent, I start getting blah. I could write a book right now about why the blahs hit me on Sunday, but I won’t as that would increase blah. For the last few weekends, I’ve let myself marinate in the blah-ness […]
on my mind: Jim Wallis, Hello Dolly. . .
I was watching Jon Stewart the other day and there was a guest appearance by Rev Jim Wallis who has a new book out about values in America. At one point in the interview he talked about the current ideal that “greed is good” rather than the older adage of “enough is enough.” He of […]