on the job: mission accomplished
There’s a lot of catching up to do regarding this blog of mine. But rather than not post because I need to write a long-detailed and entertaining update, I figured that I’d post the Peace Corps Romania project that has was finished just as we were leaving the country and has recently hit the presses. […]

in the community: the quest
Our time is nearing an end in Romania. We’re trying to finish up projects. We’re traveling a lot – to say goodbyes and to work. We’re donating clothes and household items. We’re packing boxes to mail to the USA. We’re futilely attempting to train our cat to be comfy in a carrier in preparation for […]

on the job; in the kitchen: Clatite: Made in the USA
While cleaning out our fridge during the pre-Easter Romanian cleaning frenzy, we found a huge bottle of pancake syrup that we had brought back from the US. It was unopened and while we like pancakes, we couldn’t foresee us eating 32 ounces of syrup in 4 months. Unless we became Will Ferrell in Elf. So […]

on the job: branding
Here in Romania, David and I spend a lot of time together. A LOT. More than we ever have. And while being joined at the hip has its challenges, we also have had the opportunity to collaborate professionally on a few projects. Awhile ago, when we were a part of the 20/50 Peace Corps project […]
in the community: talking to strangers
I’m an outgoing gal for the most part. There are stories of me chatting up gang members and homeless guys on the T in Boston. Or getting into a 30-minute conversation with a woman in Walmart when she asks me about condensed milk versus evaporated milk for a pumpkin pie. And I always seem to […]
on the road: Horezu in the Fall
Back in November, our friend Mari-An, a Filipino exchange student studying in Sibiu, came down for a quick visit. We, of course, headed to Horezu for the monastery and the pottery. We went into a pottery workshop, where I caught on video a local artist painting a plate. It’s pretty amazing to watch her using […]
craftiness: my main man, Stefan
As a Moldovanca (a Romanian from the Moldavian region), when it comes to historical Romanians, I’m partial to Stefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great) who built many a monastery in Moldavia after his victories in battle (or in the bedroom, depending on who’s telling the story). But if I’m honest, the real reason for my […]
in the community: blizzardiness
In case you haven’t heard, Eastern Europe is getting snow DUMPED on us this winter. Here in Ramnicu Valcea, people told us, “Ah, we’re in a bucket, surrounded by mountains. The weather passes over us.” I was a bit bummed to think that our last winter in Romania would be winter-less. Well, while we are […]
on the road: home
In a few days, we’ll be heading home to the USA. It is the first time we’ve been home since May 2009. And I find myself stressed, excited, and a bit terrified. The cause of my stress is easy to peg. We’re leaving for a month and there’s stuff to get done. We have loose […]
on the job: sunt terapeut!
My education and experience is as a therapist — mostly a music and arts therapist. I’ve been battling my identity as a music therapist. I love music therapy moments, but I’ve yet to find a job where I love being a music therapist. In other words, the joy I find in music therapy work with […]