on the job: photo
Left to right: Julie Kelleher (RPCV-Ukraine, now with Blackboard), Sheila Crowley(RPCV-Ukraine, Country Director PCRO), David, Veronica, Ramona Sinca (counterpart) Irina Sandulescu (counterpart) 8 September 2010 for a Coursesites training at the library
photo: iliuta and me
I’m working on taking pictures of each of my beneficiaries. Here’s one that Iliuta took of the two of us when we were being especially giggly and silly. It’s pretty great. Love that kid!
on the road: view from the train
We recently went to Bucharest for our yearly physicals — 16 hours on a train for 3 hours of appointments. Asta e. Luckily this was our view from the train — rapeseed for miles. Spring has most definitely arrived.
on the road: recap of Pisa, Italy
We started our Italian adventure in the city of Pisa. And it’s a fabulous sleepy city. Practically speaking it has cheap airline tickets to get there (woot Wizz Air!), an airport close to town, everyplace is within walking distance. From a visitor’s perspective, while it has its touristy hotspot, there are small streets to meander […]
in the community: caruta
One of my favorite Romanian “things” is the caruta — a horse-drawn cart that’s pretty ubiquitous in more rural areas. Every Monday morning I awake to the clip-clops of carutas coming through town for the weekly market. It’s one of those sounds that I’ve gotten used to and yet still cherish. When my mom came […]
photo: joy
24 January 2011 Radu playing in snow on Ziua Unirea 28 January 2011 Second life of our Christmas Tree Note: We threw our Christmas Tree away late last week and apparently someone found it, liked it, and placed it on an old electrical box on a bloc. I happened to see it today and it […]
photo: acrobatics on a clothesline
Zami likes to “help” with laundry by jumping up on the clothesline. She’s a creeper. More pictures of our romanca, Zamfira.
photo: man with cow
taken on our way to church this morning. 24 October 2010 color image here.