news from home: Wallow Fire in AZ

Posted by on Jun 13, 2011 in news from home | 2 Comments

Every week, Big Picture puts up striking photo galleries related to world or current events. This past week Big Picture featured the Wallow Fire in Arizona and it hit home, not because I’m from Arizona, but because my brother, Erik is fighting that fire. Usually what he does (prescribed burning) is more ecological than newsworthy so I’ll get an email or a voicemail from him telling me that he’ll be out of touch and which fire he’s working. Later I’ll get stories of adventures and the joys of government work. But imagine my surprise when I open up Big Picture’s feature on the fire and the second picture is of my brother with his crew sharpening tools. Out of the hundreds and hundreds of firemen, there he is.

Being far from home, it’s great to see that hairy bearded mug of his. I miss him. And he’s quite handsome all dirty and dusty, don’t you think? Let’s just hope he and his crew stay safe!

photo credit: Big Picture via “Fire crew members sharpen their tools as they prepare for a back burn operation in Eagar, Arizona. A raging forest fire in eastern Arizona has scorched an area the size of Phoenix, threatening thousands of residents and emptying towns as the flames raced toward New Mexico, June 8, 2011.” (Jae C. Hong/Associated Press)


  1. erik
    June 21, 2011

    while that fellow is indeed both bearded and good looking, alas it is not I! I was on the other giant fire in AZ, the Horseshoe 2 wildfire that burned up much of the Chiricahua range along the New Mexico border. That one is mostly put to bed now thanks in part to the efforts of out intrepid crew (and many, many others…….) thanks for thinking of me V

  2. anonymous
    July 1, 2011

    BLOG B L O G B L O G


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