I am unsubscribing from Gizmodo because of their d-baggery in handling the iPhone scoop…they have once again brought shame on blogging and that is saying something since most Americans still equate bloggers to sweaty guys living in their Moms’ basements. Their ethics were fully and completely compromised in scooping this story. All so that fanboys […]
MacBook Woes
So about a year ago I had the palm rest on my black MacBook replaced for the second time. It is a common problem for them to crack, design flaw and all that jazz. When I had it replaced by Apple at their Genius Bar I was told it was being replaced by a new […]
Little Victories
David here, again. If I keep posting it might become a habit. Veronica usually does the heavy lifting when it comes to tough interactions in Romanian. This is because for some reason I still have a hard time understanding Romanian. I can speak Romanian pretty well but the understanding has eluded me. Well today I […]
Cups a Joe (and tea)
Veronica usually writes the blog posts but since this is a subject near and dear to my heart you are stuck with me. I love a good cup of coffee. Wait, let me correct that. I love a huge cup of coffee. But that is a tall order in most places in Romania. Most Romanians […]
Another year…
My birthday has come and gone. I am now 34. Crazy. It is like I am an adult and stuff. I have a will, power of attorney and everything. Neat. Now I just have to get a cemetery plot and I will have the trifecta. And thank you to all of you who sang me […]
Everything we say in the house echoes. The vast majority of our belongings are now in a warehouse waiting to be shipped to SC. The last few days have been a whirlwind of packing, hanging with friends (who we are going to miss dearly) and trying to stay sane. Sleep has been a rarity and […]
Packing it in
We are packing the house room by room and trying to enjoy these last days in Raleigh. I have been here for almost 16 years. I am sad to leave. Man, I sound all sappy. Boo hoo, right. Nah, things are so crazy and exciting right now. We are like whirling dervishes spinning in unison […]
Getting jobbed
It is weird to think that I will be unemployed at the end of next week and that it won’t be a bad thing. It actually has worked out really well…Marie will be taking my place. I am excited for her, it is a full time job that allows telecommuting. I hope she enjoys the […]
Hip-hop hooray
Lent has come and gone and I did wicked poorly on my lenten promises. Although I did do quite well eating tuna and such, yum. Small graces right? My parents came to visit for Easter and that was great. It will be the last time I will get to see them for a while, a […]