And the winner is….
Târgu Neam? (which translates as German Market Town) is where we’ll be living in Romania. It’s in the region of Moldavia (not to be confused with the Republic of Moldova) and while it is the poorest area of the entire European Union, it’s full of rich history, beautiful mountains, good sweet wine, and lots of […]
tomorrow is THE day
After six weeks of intensive language classes, we have passed the half-way mark in training. AND tomorrow is site announcement day — we find out where we will be living in Romania for the next two years. We’ll be sure to keep you updated.
What’s going on with this crazy site
So many of you are probably wondering what’s up with this site. We are in a transition of trying to figure out how we want run this site. We are not sure if we want to have the site open to the public or password protected. Until we figure it out there won’t be much […]
the future
I figured I’d make it official on our blog and report that David and I are headed on an adventure. We’ve been invited to serve in the US Peace Corps in Romania. David will be teaching English and I’ll be working with marginalized youth. It’s a 2+ year commitment and we couldn’t be more excited. […]
my new favorite blog
So I have a thing for chickens. Perhaps it’s guilt over that experiment I did on chicks during my evolutionary psychology class (aside….We didn’t do anything bad to them, promise. We just scared them. Chicks play possum in response to fear.) Or maybe it’s my dream of being an urban homestead type. Regardless, the idea […]
Protected: grace in small things: 03.02
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