grace in small things: 11.06
A soon-to-be sister-in-law who will be giving me a much needed haircut right before her wedding. A long chat with my brother always helps put my head in the right place. And I might see him sooner rather than later. Leftover soup that’s better than fresh soup. Election madness coming to a close. Missing David. […]

grace in small things: 11.05
A creative idea for my business/calling cards popping into my head. The anticipation of new bed linens. Thank you baby Jesus for fitted sheets. A voicemail from a wrong number on my google voice account. It was so positive and cheerful and even though it wasn’t for me, it made me smile. My favorite salad: […]

grace in small things: 11.04
Sleeping in. Bacon is mighty tasty after sleeping in. Learning through grocery shopping. An open seat on the metro when my hands were full. A nice easy evening at home.

grace in small things: 11.03
Little surprises. Like tanks and military regalia outside my apartment window this morning. Buying a duvet to keep me toasty. A house that smells like fresh-baked bread. Eating that bread as a late night snack. Having a bit of a social life and going to a grown-up party. And maybe making a few friends. . […]

grace in small things: 11.02
I woke up next to my best friend. He made me a great cup of tea. Garlic has a dual purpose: keeps vampires at a distance and keeps ya healthy. Skype calls with Courtney Brown. A fresh-made bed to tuck myself into tonight.