on the job; in the kitchen: Clatite: Made in the USA
While cleaning out our fridge during the pre-Easter Romanian cleaning frenzy, we found a huge bottle of pancake syrup that we had brought back from the US. It was unopened and while we like pancakes, we couldn’t foresee us eating 32 ounces of syrup in 4 months. Unless we became Will Ferrell in Elf. So […]
in the kitchen: new recipes
It’s been quiet around here, huh? There are bunches of updates to share, but I always seem to worry about things being chronological on the blog. I haven’t finished pictures from Italy in April, so I shouldn’t share pictures of Paris in June! But I know that’s kinda silly and I’ve been getting threatening messages […]
in the kitchen: celebrating Thanksgiving
After last year’s successful volunteer Thanksgiving here in Moldova, we opted to host our volunteer friends for a crazy weekend of turkey-centered fun. This past weekend, 18 of us gathered together in our town of Targu Neamt to celebrate an American Thanksgiving in Romania. When you’re feeding an army, there are always stressful moments — […]
in the kitchen, on the job: Thanksgiving
So we’re to that time of year again when David and I alone keep the town’s dairy economy going. During Advent (and Lent), the Romanian Orthodox in our community fast. And their fast makes Catholic fasting seem easy peasy. In essence everyone becomes vegan for a month in preparation for the big pig kill and […]
in the kitchen: peanut butter goodness
We miss peanut butter. The only candy we really crave is Reese Peanut Butter Cups. So when I saw this blog post over on the Smitten Kitchen for buckeyes, I knew I had to try it. Mine aren’t as beautiful as Deb’s, but for a teeny tiny Romanian kitchen where we “make it work,” we’re […]
recipe: our favorite pancakes
A few weeks back, I did a cooking group with my beneficiaries and we made American pancakes with carmelized apples. (pictures here.) The reaction of my beneficiaries and colleagues to the pancakes was surprising. You’d have thought I’d brought them fire. Favorite Pancakes (adapted slightly from allrecipes.com) 3/4 cup milk (lapte) 2 TBSP white vinegar (o?et) […]
in the kitchen: adventures with pumpkin
It’s November and that means I’m planning for T-Day ’10, Moldovan edition. We have a group of about 15 volunteers who will be celebrating Thanksgiving here in Targu Neamt. The Southern woman in me loves this because I enjoy sharing my family’s traditional dishes and trying new recipes out — add an audience/hungry mass of […]
keeping traditions; in the kitchen: lessons on sarmale
For my final English class with my beginning group, we took a Romanian recipe for sarmale and translated it into English and had some major conversations about food. I used the excuse that I’m becoming a Romanian woman (M? fac românc?) and every Romanian woman needs a good sarmale recipe. Quick aside: Sarmale is traditional […]
in the kitchen: barker’s bagels
So the blog has been quieter than usual — partly because I’ve been busy and partly because I’ve been sick, for a long while. But I’m feeling better and will be visiting our fabulous PC doc, Doctor Dan this week to make sure I get back to 100%. While I’m not looking forward to the […]
on the job: in the kitchen
Much like my first job in the VA, my Peace Corps placement hasn’t been what I expected. I know, I know — we’re told constantly not to expect anything specific in PC service. My expectation was that my host org would have a place for me to use my skills as a therapist. I don’t […]