news from home: Wallow Fire in AZ
Every week, Big Picture puts up striking photo galleries related to world or current events. This past week Big Picture featured the Wallow Fire in Arizona and it hit home, not because I’m from Arizona, but because my brother, Erik is fighting that fire. Usually what he does (prescribed burning) is more ecological than newsworthy […]
news from home: my momma
Mom and me before my wedding (29 December 2007) Today I’d like to write a bit about Dorothy Andreassen because she rocks, because she’s my mom and because it’s her birthday. September 30th is the day that God graced the world with my mom. That might come across as a pretentious sort of way to […]
news from home: catching up. . .
We had our spirits boosted today. Our phone rang. Well, actually, our computer rang. It was MAGGIE!! And the MONDAY family! What a great surprise! Maggie is our favorite 6-year-old (formerly our favorite 5-year-old). She’s awesome with a capital A. We had a bunch of catching up to do since it’s been months since we […]