quick tidbit
We’ve moved from http://daveronica.wordpress.com to http://www.daveronica.com. Meaning that if you type in daveronica.wordpress.com to visit our blog, you’ll need to update your bookmarks. If you usually just type in daveronica.com, you needn’t change anything you’re doing. Due to some new stuff over at the free wordpress site, we’ve opted to graduate to the big leagues […]
on the job: the internets and anniversaries
January 24, 2011 was the 20th anniversary of Peace Corps in Romania. In 1991, the Romanian government and the Peace Corps officially signed paperwork to bring Volunteers here. Twenty years later, here we are. . . To celebrate this milestone and the 50th anniversary of Peace Corps worldwide, David and I redesigned Peace Corps Romania’s […]
I am unsubscribing from Gizmodo because of their d-baggery in handling the iPhone scoop…they have once again brought shame on blogging and that is saying something since most Americans still equate bloggers to sweaty guys living in their Moms’ basements. Their ethics were fully and completely compromised in scooping this story. All so that fanboys […]
MacBook Woes
So about a year ago I had the palm rest on my black MacBook replaced for the second time. It is a common problem for them to crack, design flaw and all that jazz. When I had it replaced by Apple at their Genius Bar I was told it was being replaced by a new […]
fyi: additions to our blog
Just in case you haven’t noticed when you visit our blog (yes, FB-ers, there’s an actual blog and it’s pretty!), we’ve added a few pages. Peace Corp Album – a slideshow of our pictures from Romania. These can also be found on our flickr page if you prefer to that platform. Peace Corps Stuff – […]
Protected: Nifty Items from the Interwebs:
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