on my mind: love. . .
I printed this out to hang in our apartment this month…. to remind me that this is what it’s all about. Image is a great printable from HoneyBear Lane!
photo: joy
24 January 2011 Radu playing in snow on Ziua Unirea 28 January 2011 Second life of our Christmas Tree Note: We threw our Christmas Tree away late last week and apparently someone found it, liked it, and placed it on an old electrical box on a bloc. I happened to see it today and it […]
on the job: sometimes you feel like a nut. . .
Sometimes you don’t…. And some days I feel like a Peace Corps Volunteers and some days I don’t. I’m counting my blessings because today was a very Peace Corps day. I went to work and on the way, called dear Gretel to vent about something and then later to Tedros who called to check in […]
on the job: the internets and anniversaries
January 24, 2011 was the 20th anniversary of Peace Corps in Romania. In 1991, the Romanian government and the Peace Corps officially signed paperwork to bring Volunteers here. Twenty years later, here we are. . . To celebrate this milestone and the 50th anniversary of Peace Corps worldwide, David and I redesigned Peace Corps Romania’s […]
in the community: animal update — the good news
In the middle of December, one Saturday afternoon, David went out to pick up milk and eggs at the corner store and came back with a kitten — a little ugly black and white kitten covered in gasoline. There wasn’t much to do other than give it a bath, feed it, and try to find […]
in the community: animal update — the bad news
We came back from Istanbul to find a dozen ruffian boys on our bloc steps, talking (and laughing) about the latest happening. Dookie (or Magduta, as I call her) was killed. We don’t know the details as each boy had a different story, but Magduta’s gone to the great countryside in the sky with the […]
keeping traditions: a holiday quickie
I have been crazy sick recently. I was ordered to bed for DAYS by darling Dr. Dan and so I was out of commission and recuperating most of the Christmas weekend. I did get a few pictures/videos to share. And while I don’t have time to write about all of them now, I shall in […]
keeping traditions: Christmas decorations
As I said in my last post, David and I didn’t do ANYTHING last year along the lines of decorating for Christmas. This year, I’m trying to be better about it — because it keeps me busy, it keeps me creative, and it’ll feel better on Christmas Day for it to look Christmasy around the […]
on the job: hand turkeys
Today at Clubul Copiilor, I wowed them with hand turkeys. So cute! For more hand turkeys… photos are here.
in the kitchen: celebrating Thanksgiving
After last year’s successful volunteer Thanksgiving here in Moldova, we opted to host our volunteer friends for a crazy weekend of turkey-centered fun. This past weekend, 18 of us gathered together in our town of Targu Neamt to celebrate an American Thanksgiving in Romania. When you’re feeding an army, there are always stressful moments — […]