on my mind: Christmas
When I was in middle school, every Advent season, my mom, teacher extraordinaire, and her students did a candlelighting service — a mixture of readings and carols — with student readers, pianists and singers, and even a live nativity. I, of course, was at the piano. After the Nativity Story was recounted, there was a […]

on my mind: family we choose. . .
While in Ohio, a gentleman asked me about my life abroad and why I choose to be far from family. There was a subtext that my decision is odd and not a good one (for me or my hypothetical future babies). From our conversation, I gathered that his immediate and extended family lives primarily in […]

on my mind: family through marriage
Five years ago this week, David and I were preparing for our wedding day. We got married on the weekend of the Feast of the Holy Family and with our wedding anniversary and this feast day approaching as well as our recent trip home to the US and the holiday season, I’ve been thinking about […]

words to live by: from Marianne Williamson
I read this quote the day before I started the Camino de Santiago de Compostella. They are words I needed to hear as I was anxious about the path I was about to undertake and whether I was good enough. I carried the quote in my wallet and read it every morning before I started […]

grace in small things: 11.06
A soon-to-be sister-in-law who will be giving me a much needed haircut right before her wedding. A long chat with my brother always helps put my head in the right place. And I might see him sooner rather than later. Leftover soup that’s better than fresh soup. Election madness coming to a close. Missing David. […]

grace in small things: 11.05
A creative idea for my business/calling cards popping into my head. The anticipation of new bed linens. Thank you baby Jesus for fitted sheets. A voicemail from a wrong number on my google voice account. It was so positive and cheerful and even though it wasn’t for me, it made me smile. My favorite salad: […]

grace in small things: 11.04
Sleeping in. Bacon is mighty tasty after sleeping in. Learning through grocery shopping. An open seat on the metro when my hands were full. A nice easy evening at home.

grace in small things: 11.03
Little surprises. Like tanks and military regalia outside my apartment window this morning. Buying a duvet to keep me toasty. A house that smells like fresh-baked bread. Eating that bread as a late night snack. Having a bit of a social life and going to a grown-up party. And maybe making a few friends. . […]