in the community: talking to strangers
I’m an outgoing gal for the most part. There are stories of me chatting up gang members and homeless guys on the T in Boston. Or getting into a 30-minute conversation with a woman in Walmart when she asks me about condensed milk versus evaporated milk for a pumpkin pie. And I always seem to […]
on my mind
Happy Thanksgiving! So many people and blessings to be thankful and grateful for this year.
on the road: home
In a few days, we’ll be heading home to the USA. It is the first time we’ve been home since May 2009. And I find myself stressed, excited, and a bit terrified. The cause of my stress is easy to peg. We’re leaving for a month and there’s stuff to get done. We have loose […]
on the job: sunt terapeut!
My education and experience is as a therapist — mostly a music and arts therapist. I’ve been battling my identity as a music therapist. I love music therapy moments, but I’ve yet to find a job where I love being a music therapist. In other words, the joy I find in music therapy work with […]

on the job: photo
Left to right: Julie Kelleher (RPCV-Ukraine, now with Blackboard), Sheila Crowley(RPCV-Ukraine, Country Director PCRO), David, Veronica, Ramona Sinca (counterpart) Irina Sandulescu (counterpart) 8 September 2010 for a Coursesites training at the library
in the community: Halloween
It’s our third Halloween in Romania. I never much liked Halloween at home but here, I like it a bunch. It’s something different and American and silly fun. We like it so much so that we helped throw a Halloween party that was covered by the local media. And we dressed up. This morning, we […]

on the job & on the road: where we’ve been this week. . .
It’s been super busy of late. These are some of the places I’ve been this week: On skype — with my beneficiaries from Targu Neamt! It was great to chat with them! The library — we had our first discussion group with University students. It went well, but we’re going to have to strategize to […]
on the job: getting started
As I mentioned, David and I have moved — from the northeastern part of Romania to the central part. We are living in a valley right south of the Carpathians. This is where we’ll stay for our third year of Peace Corps service. With a new site, comes new assignments. While our main job is […]
in the community: ne e dor. . .
We’ve moved from Targu Neamt, a small town in the Moldovan region to Ramnicu Valcea, a bigger town in the Oltenian region. We’re adapting and adjusting and missing… especially the Botez kiddos and their family. We chatted on skype with Emi, Mada, Marius and Claudia for awhile tonight and it was great. While we like […]
in the kitchen: new recipes
It’s been quiet around here, huh? There are bunches of updates to share, but I always seem to worry about things being chronological on the blog. I haven’t finished pictures from Italy in April, so I shouldn’t share pictures of Paris in June! But I know that’s kinda silly and I’ve been getting threatening messages […]